
Cheating And Infidelity in Bollywood Films And its Glorification

Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani: A Complex Portrayal of Extramarital Affairs

Extramarital affairs are a controversial topic in Hindi cinema, especially when they explore relationships that go beyond the boundaries of monogamy. Some critics argue that such films glorify the act of cheating on one’s spouse, while others defend them as realistic and nuanced depictions of human emotions. But how do these films portray the causes and consequences of having an affair? Do they justify the betrayal of marital vows based on different circumstances? Do they present the affair as a heroic or a regretful act? And most importantly, how do they balance the perspectives of all the parties involved? In this article, we will analyze one such film, Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahaani, and its complex dynamics of extramarital affairs.

The Story of Kaval, Jamini, and Lakshmi

Rocky aur Rani ki Prem Kahaani is a romantic drama film that revolves around the love triangle between Kaval, a poet and novelist, Jamini, a journalist and his muse, and Dan Lakshmi, his wife and business partner. The film begins with Kaval suffering from amnesia after a car accident and reuniting with Jamini at a festival. He instantly falls in love with her again and kisses her in front of his family, shocking everyone. He then learns that he is married to Dan Lakshmi, who runs their publishing house and takes care of their son. He also discovers that he had an affair with Jamini in the past, which led to his estrangement from his family. He decides to pursue Jamini again, despite Dan Lakshmi’s objections and warnings.

But how did this complicated situation arise? The film reveals the backstory of the characters through flashbacks. We see that Kaval and Dan Lakshmi had an arranged marriage, which was never based on love or compatibility. Kaval was still in love with Jamini, whom he met at a literary event and had a passionate affair with. He was indifferent and distant towards Dan Lakshmi from the first day of their marriage. Dan Lakshmi, on the other hand, was hopeful and eager to start a new life with him. She was treated poorly by her in-laws, who constantly reminded her to obey and serve them. She became stern and cold over time, focusing on their business and their son. She also became protective of her son, fearing that he would grow up to be like his father. She alienated him from Kaval, who felt neglected and unloved.

So, when Kaval and Jamini resumed their affair behind Dan Lakshmi’s back, they felt justified in their actions. They believed that they were soulmates who deserved to be together. They also felt that Dan Lakshmi was a cruel and controlling woman who did not understand or appreciate Kaval’s artistic talent. However, they failed to see Dan Lakshmi’s perspective, which was completely ignored by the film. She was a woman who was betrayed by her husband, who chose another woman over her. She was also a woman who had to endure the humiliation and pain of seeing her husband flaunt his affair in public. She had every right to be angry and hurt by his actions, regardless of their loveless marriage. A moment of closure or empathy between Dan Lakshmi and Kaval would have made the film more balanced and fair.

The Moral Dilemma of Extramarital Affairs

Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahaani is not the first film to deal with extramarital affairs in Hindi cinema. There have been many films before and after it that have explored this theme from different angles. Some films have shown the affair as a result of abuse or violence in the marriage, such as Astitva or Provoked. Some films have shown the affair as a result of boredom or dissatisfaction in the marriage, such as Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna or Lust Stories. Some films have shown the affair as a result of fate or destiny, such as Silsila or Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam.

However, none of these films can provide a definitive answer to the moral dilemma of extramarital affairs. They can only present different scenarios and viewpoints for the audience to ponder upon. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide what is right or wrong for them in their personal lives. What matters is how honest and respectful they are towards themselves and their partners.

Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahaani is a film that tries to portray the complexity and intensity of extramarital affairs in Hindi cinema. It shows how love can be both beautiful and destructive at the same time. It also shows how different people can have different opinions and reactions to the same situation. However, it fails to give equal weightage and importance to all the characters involved in the affair. It favors one side over the other, making it seem like the affair is justified and heroic. It also neglects the emotional and psychological impact of the affair on the spouse who is cheated on. It could have been a more balanced and nuanced film if it had shown more empathy and understanding towards Dan Lakshmi, who was also a victim of the affair.

Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna: A Nuanced Portrayal of Extramarital Affairs:

In contrast to Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhat’s Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahaani, which we discussed in the previous section, there are some films that portray extramarital affairs in a more nuanced and realistic way. These films do not glorify or justify the act of cheating, but rather show the emotional and moral conflicts that the characters face. They also show the impact of the affair on the spouses who are cheated on, and how they cope with the betrayal. In this section, we will analyze two such films, Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna, and their nuanced dynamics of extramarital affairs.

Shahrukh Khan’s Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna

Shahrukh Khan’s Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna is a romantic drama film directed by Karan Johar, which explores the theme of infidelity and dissatisfaction in marriage. The film revolves around the love quadrangle between Dave, a former football star who becomes bitter and angry after an accident, Maya, a teacher who marries her childhood friend out of obligation, Ria, Dev’s wife who is a successful magazine editor, and Rishi, Maya’s husband who is a cheerful and fun-loving businessman. Dev and Maya meet at a train station and become friends. They soon realize that they are unhappy in their marriages and start an affair. They feel guilty about lying to their spouses, but also feel that they have found their true soulmates. When their affair is exposed, Ria and Rishi file for divorce and move on with their lives. Dev and Maya also separate for a while, but eventually reunite.

What makes this film more effective and nuanced than Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahaani is that it does not present the affair as a heroic or a romantic act. It shows how the affair is a result of the problems in both the marriages, which are not one-sided or simple. Dev becomes a miserable and abusive husband after his accident, which makes Ria feel unloved and frustrated. Maya marries Rishi without being in love with him, which makes her feel trapped and unhappy. However, both Dev and Maya are also responsible for their own unhappiness. They do not communicate or try to resolve their issues with their spouses. They also do not appreciate or respect their spouses’ qualities and achievements. They escape into their affair, which gives them a temporary sense of happiness and fulfillment.

However, the film also shows how the affair affects the spouses who are cheated on. Ria and Rishi are not portrayed as villains or fools, but as human beings who have their own feelings and aspirations. They are hurt and angry by the betrayal of their partners, but they also show maturity and grace in handling the situation. They do not beg or cling to their partners, but decide to end their marriages and move on with their lives. They also find new partners who love them for who they are. The film does not punish or reward anyone for their actions, but rather shows how life goes on after an affair.

Gehraiyaan: The Story of Alicia, Zen, Tia, and Curen

Deepika Padukone’s Gehraiyaan is a romantic drama film directed by Zoya Akhtar, which explores the theme of infidelity and temptation in relationships. The film revolves around the love triangle between Alicia, a photographer who is bored with her long-term relationship with Curen, Zen, a rapper who is engaged to Tia but feels suffocated by her family’s expectations, and Tia, Zen’s fiancee who is devoted to him but unaware of his affair. Alicia meets Zen at Tia’s wedding party and feels an instant attraction to him. She seduces him and starts an affair with him behind Tia’s back. She also lies to Curen about her whereabouts and feelings. She wants Zen to tell Tia about their affair so that they can be together openly. However, Zen is reluctant to do so as he fears losing his career and reputation. Their affair is eventually exposed by Curen, who confronts Alicia about her cheating.

What makes this film interesting and conflicting is that it does not make it easy for the audience to root for anyone or sympathize with anyone. It shows how the affair is a result of the dissatisfaction and frustration that both Alicia and Zen feel in their relationships. Alicia feels stuck in her relationship with Curen, who is a nice but boring guy who does not share her passion for photography or adventure. Zen feels trapped in his relationship with Tia, who is a sweet but naive girl who does not understand his artistic ambitions or struggles. However, both Alicia and Zen are also selfish and irresponsible for engaging in the affair while they are with their partners for years. They do not care about the feelings or consequences of their actions on their partners or themselves. They only think about their own pleasure and happiness.

However, the film also shows how the affair affects the partners who are cheated on. Tia and Curen are not portrayed as saints or martyrs, but as human beings who have their own dreams and desires. They are devastated and heartbroken by the betrayal of their partners, but they also show courage and dignity in dealing with the situation. They do not forgive or forget their partners, but decide to end their relationships and move on with their lives. They also find new opportunities and challenges that make them grow as individuals. The film does not judge or moralize anyone for their actions, but rather shows how life changes after an affair.

Haseen Dillruba and Manmarziyaan: A Controversial Portrayal of Extramarital Affairs

Apart from Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahaani, Kabhi Alvida na Kehna, and Gehraiyaan, which we discussed in the previous sections, there are some films that portray extramarital affairs in a controversial and problematic way. These films do not show the realistic or nuanced aspects of cheating, but rather show the twisted and bizarre consequences of it. They also show the lack of respect and remorse that the characters have for their partners and themselves. In this section, we will analyze two such films, Haseen Dillruba and Manmarziyaan, both featuring Taapsee Pannu, and their controversial dynamics of extramarital affairs.

The Story of Rishu, Rani, and Neil

Haseen Dillruba is a thriller film that revolves around the love triangle between Rishu, a shy and nerdy engineer, Rani, his bold and adventurous wife, and Neil, his cousin and rival. The film begins with Rishu’s death in a gas cylinder blast, which is suspected to be a murder. Rani is the prime suspect, as she confesses to having an affair with Neil behind Rishu’s back. She narrates her story to the police, revealing how she was unhappy in her arranged marriage with Rishu, who failed to satisfy her sexually or emotionally. She was also mistreated by his family, who constantly criticized her for her modern lifestyle. She fell in love with Neil, who was handsome and charming, and had a passionate affair with him. She also told him about her husband’s secrets and weaknesses. Neil used this information to manipulate and humiliate Rishu, who eventually found out about their affair. He decided to punish Rani by beating her up and raping her. However, this only made Rani more attracted to him, as she felt that he finally showed some passion and dominance. They reconciled and became intimate.

The film then reveals that Rishu had planned to kill Neil by planting a bomb in his car, but it backfired and killed him instead. Rani was unaware of this plan and tried to save him from the blast. She also realized that Neil had betrayed her by stealing her husband’s invention and running away with another woman. She decided to stay loyal to Rishu’s memory and take the blame for his death.

What makes this film controversial and problematic is that it does not show any moral or emotional conflict or guilt that the characters face for having an affair. It shows how the affair is a result of the dissatisfaction and ego that both Rani and Neil feel in their lives. Rani feels bored and unfulfilled in her marriage with Rishu, who is a nice but dull guy who does not match her personality or expectations. Neil feels jealous and insecure of Rishu, who is his cousin but also his superior in terms of education and career. However, both Rani and Neil are also selfish and cruel for engaging in the affair while they are married to other people. They do not care about the feelings or consequences of their actions on their spouses or themselves. They only think about their own lust and thrill.

However, the film also shows how the affair affects the spouse who is cheated on. Rishu is not portrayed as a saint or a martyr, but as a human being who has his own flaws and strengths. He is hurt and angry by the betrayal of his wife, but he also shows courage and intelligence in dealing with the situation. He does not forgive or forget his wife, but decides to take revenge on her lover and expose his fraud. He also tries to win back his wife’s love by showing some aggression and assertiveness. The film does not justify or condemn anyone for their actions, but rather shows how life ends after an affair. How Ranbir Kapoor will be look like in Ramayana, you can click here to know.

The Story of Rumi, Vicky, and Robbie

Manmarziyaan is a romantic drama film that revolves around the love triangle between Rumi, a free-spirited hockey player who is in love with Vicky, a DJ who is commitment-phobic, and Robbie, a banker who marries Rumi out of respect for her family. The film begins with Rumi having a secret affair with Vicky, who promises to marry her but never follows through. When her family finds out about their relationship, they arrange her marriage with Robbie, who agrees to marry her despite knowing about her past. Robbie falls in love with Rumi after their marriage, but Rumi still loves Vicky. She cheats on Robbie with Vicky behind his back. She also lies to Robbie about her feelings and whereabouts. She wants Vicky to elope with her so that they can be together openly. However, Vicky is reluctant to do so as he fears losing his freedom and reputation. Their affair is eventually exposed by Robbie’s brother-in-law, who confronts Rumi about her cheating.

What makes this film conflicting and confusing is that it does not show any consistency or clarity in the characters’ actions or motivations for having an affair. It shows how the affair is a result of the confusion and indecision that both Rumi and Vicky feel in their lives. Rumi feels torn between her love for Vicky, who is exciting and passionate, and her respect for Robbie, who is stable and mature. Vicky feels torn between his love for Rumi, who is his soulmate and inspiration, and his fear of marriage, which is his nightmare and limitation. However, both Rumi and Vicky are also immature and irresponsible for engaging in the affair while they are married to other people. They do not respect or appreciate their spouses’ qualities and sacrifices. They also do not communicate or try to resolve their issues with their spouses. They escape into their affair, which gives them a false sense of happiness and fulfillment.

However, the film also shows how the affair affects the spouse who is cheated on. Robbie is not portrayed as a villain or a fool, but as a human being who has his own dignity and values. He is hurt and disappointed by the betrayal of his wife, but he also shows compassion and patience in dealing with the situation. He does not force or cling to his wife, but decides to give her space and time to make her choice. He also tries to understand and support his wife’s dreams and passions. The film does not punish or reward anyone for their actions, but rather shows how life goes on after an affair.

Silsila, Biwi No. 1, and Gehraiyaan: A Hypocritical Portrayal of Extramarital Affairs

In addition to Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhat’s Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahaani, Shah Rukh Khan’s Kabhi Alvida na Kehna, Haseen Dillruba, and Manmarziyaan, which we discussed in the previous sections, there are some films that portray extramarital affairs in a hypocritical and biased way. These films do not show the realistic or nuanced aspects of cheating, but rather show the double standards and sexism that exist in society. They also show the lack of respect and remorse that the characters have for their partners and themselves. In this section, we will analyze three such films, Silsila, Biwi No. 1, and Gehraiyaan, and their hypocritical dynamics of extramarital affairs.

The Story of Amit, Chandni, Shobha, and Shekhar

Amitabh Bachchan and Rekha’s Silsila is a romantic drama film that revolves around the love quadrangle between Amit, a poet and novelist who is in love with Chandni, a dancer who is engaged to Shekhar, Shobha, Amit’s wife who is pregnant with his child, and Shekhar, Chandni’s fiance who is Amit’s brother. The film begins with Shekhar’s death in a plane crash, which leaves Chandni heartbroken and alone. Amit decides to marry Shobha out of respect for his brother’s memory and his wife’s pregnancy. However, he still loves Chandni and cannot forget her. He meets her again at a wedding and rekindles their affair. He cheats on Shobha with Chandni behind her back. He also lies to Shobha about his feelings and whereabouts. He wants Chandni to elope with him so that they can be together openly. However, Chandni is reluctant to do so as she fears losing her reputation and dignity. Their affair is eventually exposed by Shobha’s doctor, who confronts Amit about his cheating.

What makes this film controversial and problematic is that it does not show any moral or emotional conflict or guilt that the characters face for having an affair. It shows how the affair is a result of the passion and destiny that both Amit and Chandni feel in their lives. Amit feels unhappy and unfulfilled in his marriage with Shobha, who is a nice but boring woman who does not match his personality or expectations. Chandni feels lonely and miserable in her life without Shekhar, who was her true love and soulmate. However, both Amit and Chandni are also selfish and cruel for engaging in the affair while they are married to other people. They do not care about the feelings or consequences of their actions on their spouses or themselves. They only think about their own love and happiness.

However, the film also shows how the affair affects the spouses who are cheated on. Shobha and Shekhar are not portrayed as villains or fools, but as human beings who have their own flaws and strengths. Shobha is hurt and betrayed by the betrayal of her husband, but she also shows courage and grace in dealing with the situation. She does not beg or cling to her husband, but decides to end her marriage and move on with her life. She also tries to understand and forgive her husband’s mistakes. Shekhar is killed before he can marry Chandni, but he also shows loyalty and generosity in his life. He loves Chandni unconditionally and supports her dreams and passions. He also trusts his brother implicitly and respects his choices. The film does not justify or condemn anyone for their actions, but rather shows how life ends after an affair.

Govinda’s Biwi No.1:

Govinda’s Biwi No. 1 is a comedy film that revolves around the love triangle between Prem, a wealthy businessman who cheats on his wife Pooja with Rupali, a model who wants to marry him for his money, Pooja, Prem’s wife who is devoted to him but unaware of his affair, and Lovely, Prem’s friend who helps Pooja expose his affair. The film begins with Prem having a secret affair with Rupali, who promises to marry him but only if he divorces Pooja. Prem lies to Pooja about his business trips and feelings. He also neglects his children and family. He decides to divorce Pooja after Rupali gives him an ultimatum. However, Pooja finds out about his affair from Lovely, who is in love with her. She decides to teach him a lesson by pretending to accept his divorce and moving out with Lovely. She also transforms herself into a modern woman who attracts Prem’s attention.

The film then reveals that Pooja had planned to make Prem realize his mistake by making him jealous of Lovely, who was pretending to be her new lover. She also wanted to show him how much she loved him and cared for his family. She succeeded in her plan, as Prem became repentant and regretful of his affair. He also realized that Rupali was a selfish and greedy woman who did not love him or his children. He decided to break up with Rupali and win back Pooja’s love and trust.

What makes this film hypocritical and biased is that it does not show any consistency or fairness in the characters’ actions or motivations for having an affair. It shows how the affair is a result of the boredom and temptation that Prem feels in his life. Prem feels bored and unfulfilled in his marriage with Pooja, who is a traditional and simple woman who does not match his personality or expectations. He is tempted by Rupali, who is a glamorous and modern woman who flatters his ego and desires. However, Prem is also selfish and irresponsible for engaging in the affair while he is married to Pooja. He does not respect or appreciate Pooja’s qualities and sacrifices. He also does not communicate or try to resolve his issues with Pooja. He escapes into his affair, which gives him a false sense of happiness and fulfillment.

However, the film also shows how the affair affects the spouse who is cheated on. Pooja is not portrayed as a saint or a martyr, but as a human being who has her own dignity and values. She is hurt and betrayed by the betrayal of her husband, but she also shows intelligence and humor in dealing with the situation. She does not forgive or forget her husband, but decides to give him a taste of his own medicine and make him realize his folly. She also transforms herself into a modern woman who attracts her husband’s attention.

The film does not punish or reward anyone for their actions, but rather shows how life goes on after an affair. However, the film also shows a double standard and sexism in its portrayal of the affair. It makes fun of Prem’s affair and makes him suffer for his mistake, but it also forgives him easily and lets him reunite with Pooja. It also makes fun of Rupali’s affair and makes her suffer for her mistake, but it also condemns her harshly and leaves her alone and humiliated. It also makes fun of Lovely’s love for Pooja and makes him suffer for his mistake, but it also praises him highly and lets him find another woman who loves him.

The Story of Taapsee, Vikrant, Harshvardhan, and Aditya

Gehraiyaan is a web series that revolves around the love triangle between Taapsee, a wedding planner who cheats on her fiance Vikrant with his best friend Harshvardhan, Harshvardhan, a photographer who is in love with Taapsee but engaged to Aditya, and Vikrant, Taapsee’s fiance who is unaware of her affair. The series begins with Taapsee having a secret affair with Harshvardhan, who promises to marry her but only if he breaks up with Aditya. Taapsee lies to Vikrant about her whereabouts and feelings. She also neglects her work and family. She decides to marry Vikrant after Harshvardhan fails to show up at their elopement plan. However, she still loves Harshvardhan and cannot forget him. She meets him again at her wedding reception and rekindles their affair. She cheats on Vikrant with Harshvardhan behind his back. She also lies to Vikrant about her feelings and whereabouts. She wants Harshvardhan to tell Aditya about their affair so that they can be together openly. However, Harshvardhan is reluctant to do so as he fears losing his career and reputation. Their affair is eventually exposed by Aditya’s friend, who confronts Taapsee about her cheating.

What makes this series conflicting and confusing is that it does not show any moral or emotional conflict or guilt that the characters face for having an affair. It shows how the affair is a result of the confusion and indecision that both Taapsee and Harshvardhan feel in their lives. Taapsee feels torn between her love for Harshvardhan, who is exciting and passionate, and her respect for Vikrant, who is stable and mature. Harshvardhan feels torn between his love for Taapsee, who is his soulmate and inspiration, and his fear of marriage, which is his nightmare and limitation. However, both Taapsee and Harshvardhan are also immature and irresponsible for engaging in the affair while they are married to other people. They do not respect or appreciate their spouses’ qualities and sacrifices. They also do not communicate or try to resolve their issues with their spouses. They escape into their affair, which gives them a false sense of happiness and fulfillment.

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